Aleeza – «How Beautiful» & «Heaven Did Send You»
Born and raised in South Los Angeles, USA, music was the saving grace of Lee Erica Cruz, alias Aleeza. Since she was a young girl, she was exposed to all kinds of genres of music from Bossa nova, Soft Rock, Hip Hop, Pop, and Jazz – even though her roots were grounded in soulful R&B. Aleeza shares: “Music was my escape and singing was my therapy to overcome the tough times my family
and I had to struggle through.”
She remembers saying as a little girl: “God, if I ever get to make music and share it with the world, they will be songs of praise to You.” Never would she have imagined that that statement would become a reality decades later. “Be careful what you ask for, they say . . . it may come true!” she continues.
Her debut album is “Releasing The Butterflies,” a mixture of contemporary R&B, Hip-Hop, Pop, and Neo-soul sounds. The message across the entire album is, as she states, about having joy in the Lord: “The joy of the Lord is my strength – Nehemiah 8:1). Happiness is temporary; joy is forever!”
From the album, we represent two songs, ‘How Beautiful’ and ‘Heaven Did Send You.’ She prays that this album will impart and inspire listeners to be filled with the joy of the Lord and find the strength to overcome anything in life when they walk with Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Aleeza finalizes: “God bless as we give God all the glory, praise, and honor!”
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